There is usually a lot of anxiety when taking your children to school on the first day so that they can begin their education. As a parent, you need to prepare your children adquately so that they can imperceptibly fit into the new school environment and begin a smooth learning process. Ample preparation will make your child find school a good place. We are going to provide you with 10 ways to prepare your child for school on the first day. They will enable your child have an amazing experience as he begins new school life. Take a look.
Make A Previsit With Your Child
You need to visit the school in which you intend to take your child 2 or 3 days before official reporting. Ask teachers to show your kid the location of toilets, sinks and other important facilities. Take your child to class and let him no what goes on there. Your child will be more prepared when you finally bring him to commence his studies at school.
Teach Him How To Recognize and Write His Name
It is advisable that you teach your child how to recognize his name. This will make it easy for him to repond when the teacher or fellow students call him. He should also learn how to write it.
Visit The Teacher
You should visit your child’s teacher at school and share with him the unique things about your kind which the teacher may be interested to know. This will enable the teacher understand your child better and handle him in the right way.
Label Your Child’s Belongings
You need to label your child’s shoes, socks and bag. This will make identification easy. It will also prevent possibilities of items getting lost.
Share Nice Stories
Develop a habit of reading and sharing nice stories which talk about the beauty of school life and why it is fun. This will motivate your children to learn. They will be eager to go to school on the first day without stress.
Invite The teacher At Home
This is important because the teacher will be able to know how your child behaves in a relaxed home environment. He will know how your kid talks naturally and apply the same in school setting.
Go Shopping Together
Tell your child that you will be going to buy him uniform, bag, books and other items that he will need at school. Go with him so that he can explore the adventure and have fun. This alone will put him in the mood of going to school.
Buy Uniform That Is Easy To Put On
Your child should not experience any difficulty when putting on uniforms. They should be easy, convinient and comfortable to wear. Choose the appropriate size.
Teach Your Child How To Use Toilet
Your kid will definitely want to relieve himself. Make sure that you teach him how to use toilet so that he does not mess.
Encourage Your Child To Talk To Other Kids
This is important because it will help him develop social skills. It will also enable him to get assistance from other kids that he will be spending more time with at school.
Parting Shot
In conclusion, the above are the 10 ways to prepare your child for school especially on the first day. They will enable your kid have a smooth transition from home to school life without stress. GUARANTEED.